Corporate Gift 101: Things you should know about Corporate Gift Giving

Have a major event coming up? Or maybe your team finished a great project?

In any case, you’ll want to celebrate the success of your team with corporate gifts. While it might take some brainstorming to come up with good corporate gift ideas, you should know some of the etiquettes and ethics too.

Without knowing the basics of corporate gifts, your corporate gift might do the opposite and cause resentment.


Take the help of the following points to get started:

Focus on the Personality

Terry Williams, a leading speaker and expert on team management, suggests focusing on the personality of the recipient.

If the gift is meaningless then it wouldn’t take much time for the recipient to forget about it. And you don’t want that to happen.

Do a little research. Find out more about the recipients, such as their interests or hobbies and add a little more personality to the gifts.

You can add a personal note or give a message. Whether your corporate gift is a cup or a t-shirt, a little hint of personal touch will make it memorable

Not Everything is a Joke

Inappropriate jokes are not welcome in a workplace. And it doesn’t matter where they come from.

Whether it’s you or your bosses who are planning on doing something inappropriate, you should put a stop to it. Such behaviour leads to resentment and the superiors begin to lose respect in eyes of the employees.

It also makes the employees feel threatened and unsafe. So tone down the jokes and keep everything appropriate.

Prepare a List

Your gift doesn’t have to too expensive if you can attach it with a good message. The vice versa is also true.

And the best way to give a good and engaging message with your gift is by mentioning a recent highlight.

Keep a list of all the major achievements of your employees. This list will come in handy when you’ll be giving gifts. Those small messages will not only show that you care but will make the employees feel more important as well.


Corporate gifts are a great way to maintain the positivity in an office. These tips will make sure that you don’t cross the limit and the gifts fulfil their purpose. To find the best options, you might want to contact corporate gifting companies in Delhi.

Memorable gifts never hurt anybody and they surely won’t hurt your team.

What do you think of these tips? Share your thoughts.


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