10 things to consider while resuming work places after lock-down opens

  1. Working Culture – Support Work from home
  2.  Regular Sanitation of Office Premises
  3. Checking – Thermal Screening, Thermal Cameras and Check-post at regular distance
  4. Avoid mass gathering & meetings – Video and Conference Calls, Limited number of staff entry at common areas, rotational shift policy
  5. HR Activities to improve hygiene awareness and rewards for following
  6. Availability of Doctors and emergency handling staff, holding area in case of red flag
  7. Replace infrastructure with touch free devices, sanitizer stands / booth and multiple places in office
  8. Personal safety essentials for employees – monthly consumable kit containing reusable face masks, sanitizer bottle, gloves, face shield etc.
  9. Transportation facility for staff to come to office and go back in sanitized vehicles
  10. Develop new processes to handle changed behavior of employees having more humanitarian approach
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