How to Build a Great Team (and Manage It)

Building a great team is vital for any organization’s success. And an equally important task is managing the team.

When a team doesn’t have coordination, it fails to achieve the desired results. Your team doesn’t have to be like that. Get rid of any doubts and transform your team into a winning team with the following tips:

Team Building Activities Work

Managers ignore team building activities because they believe they don’t work. However, studies show that team building activities work and give results.

They increase productivity and improve communication within the team.

What team building activities can you do?

  • Go on field trips together
  • Play sports, they are great for developing coordination
  • Do workshops
  • Appreciate the achievements (give them a compliment or better, a gift)

These little implementations can go a long way in developing better work relationships between you and your employees.

These are proven ways and they give results. When you’ll strengthen your team’s bonding, you will automatically enhance its productivity.

Team Work Brings out the Best

According to Harvard, the best individuals are in their prime when they have a solid team to work with. Take a look at some of the sports’ superstars, Christiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Virat Kohli, they all perform better when their team is performing well.

The psychology is simple when you see others doing good work, you also get motivated to do the same.

And when the most talented people are motivated, they do amazing things. So if you want to get your ace performers to up their game, focus on improving the overall team.

You can do so by establishing a positive work environment and encouraging better performance. Reward high-performers with corporate gifts as incentives.

Have Some Off-Work Time Too

If you only talk about work with your colleagues, you’ll not be able to build better work relationships.

Be sure to spend some off-work time as well. You can volunteer together or work on a project that’s unrelated to work.

Non-work discussions will help your team in understanding each other, according to a MIT study. With better understanding, they’ll have better communication too.

Research suggests that understanding the emotions of the team members is crucial for its productivity. Such activities will help you in the same.


Whether you’re a startup, an agency or an MNC, these tips will help you in fostering better work relationships and increasing the productivity of your team.

Now you can build a better team and manage it effectively. You’ll not have any problems in achieving your goals when there’s an amazing team with you.

Have any questions? Feel free to ask.