Why do Companies Give Welcome Kits to New Employees? Here are the Reasons

From design agencies to large MNCs, you can see countless examples of companies giving welcome kits to the new members of the organizations.

But have you ever wondered, “Why companies give welcome kits?”

While one reason might be obvious (to make them feel special), there are some other reasons behind this practice. If you’re planning on giving welcome kits, then you should understand the intent behind as well.

This way you’ll be plan your welcome kits better. Here they are:

To make them feel welcome

Remember your first day at your job?

The nervousness, the hesitation and all the new faces make it hard for the new members to start the work right away. Although everyone is a little excited, the nervousness and fear overrun it.

Giving a welcome kit (or an onboarding gift) helps them realize they are important. It makes them feel valued.

Like in school, when teachers introduce a new student to the rest of the class, it makes them feel special, your welcome kit helps them in feeling welcome.

It will also get them inspired to start working with zeal and enthusiasm.

To clarify the company’s vision

Every company has a vision, a goal which it works for.

Many creative agencies tend to provide a list of the company’s values and goals to the newcomers in the welcome kit. It makes them understand why and what you work for.

Understanding the organization’s values and goals is essential for an employee. Without understanding them, he or she might not be able to meet the standards your organization demands.

Having a unified goal is what makes a company great. And the welcome kit is a great way of telling the same.

To create a positive work environment

An office shouldn’t be sad place. Instead, it should be a happy place.

An office should be a place where people (the employees) love to come. Your employees’ happiness matters a lot because it impacts their productivity.

An unhappy employee won’t be much productive and can lead to a bitter work environment. This small gesture will not only help the newcomers know they are welcome but it will also remind the current workers how much you value everyone.


It feels good to give (and receive) gifts. When you give welcome gifts, you enhance the relationship the employees share with the company. In fact, you can start working on a welcome kit today.

What do you think of welcome kits? What could be other reasons for creating them? Let us know.